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How To Organize Your Days Better This Fall

The leaves are turning beautiful shades of orange, red and brown. The heat from summer days and nights are cooling down. The days are getting shorter, and the night are getting long. That can only mean Fall is around.

Fall represents the balance of night and day, its when there is equal amount of light and dark. There’s no better time to start organizing your day to get the most out of this month. This will not only help prepare you for fall, but also for the colder months to come.


Take some time to organize your thoughts. What do you want to accomplish this fall? Are there bad habits you need to swap with good habits? Are you trying to learn a new language or a new skill? Is there a project you’re working on like starting a podcast or a blog? Figure out what it is you want to get out of this season and write it down. This will give you a clear image of how you want the next few months to play out.

See 10 Ways to Get Your Life Together


This step involves choosing how you want to organize your schedule. I think this is probably the step that takes the longest to figure out, and one that often needs revisiting based on your lifestyle. Conversely, it is the most important. Find a organizing style that suits your needs. If you don’t like it, you wont continue it. If you like structure, try a printed agenda or callender, for simplicity you might just want a weekly view or to-do list based on daily priorities. If you’re more creative and enjoy the freedom of a blank page, you can try bullet journaling. The point is, to find a method that works for your lifestyle. Try them all if you want, and see how you like them.


Here comes the nitty gritty. You want to first start out by mapping out your day. Block out when you want to go to sleep, and wake-up, when you work or when you have classes. Block out the times where you have a set schedule so you can have a full view of the time you can arrange. You can start off by doing this in a simple Google or Apple Calendar because you can visually see the time blocks then move onto your preferred method of planning.

See… The Right Way To Make A To-Do List

You can also choose to use a combination of different methods depending on how you like your information to be displayed. For years I had used a printed agenda which I did enjoy while I was in school. After graduation, I pretty much stuck to to-do lists and calenders for my organization. Recently, I have started bullet journalling and enjoy using it for my blogging and other creative projects.

See Things You Show Know When You Start Bullet Journaling

Currently, I spread out my organization to different platforms to maximize my productivity. As I mentioned, I have my bullet journal to keep track of my posting schedule. For day-to-day tasks like shopping, paying bills, and other household activities I keep a to-do list using the app, its great because it syncs on all my devices so I have them with me on the go. I keep my daily schedule on my Apple calendar and block out when I do my reading, mediation, writing, filming, workouts and other ritualistic scheduled activities. Lastly, I keep a monthly calendar on the wall to remind me of appointments, bills, video schedules, blog posts that are done and scheduled to be uploaded (you can do this for exams, assignments and tests as well if you’re in school).

Choose what method of organization works for you, and plan out your daily routine. A routine will help you be more productive with your day and keep on track of tasks you need to complete. Try it out for a week, and if you’re feeling confident try 30 days.