Posts in Life
How YOU can support the #BLACKLIVESMATTER Movement

This project was created to offer people a way to make a difference by donating to the #blacklivesmatter movement without any actual money. 100% of the Ad revenue this videos makes through Adsense will be donated to the associations that support the #blacklivesmatter movement and protester bailout funds for protesters in Canada and America in perpetuity because #blacklivesmatter today, tomorrow and long after it is no longer a trending topic.

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How to Fight Tech Neck

The average person looks downward to their phone about 221 times a day! (That's a lot of looking down!).These repeated motions can become permanent, resulting in horizontal neck lines and saggy skin; Tech Neck. While I'm sure you're not going to put the phone down for too long, there are a few things you can do to get on top of Tech Neck to both heal and prevent further tech damage! 

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