Skincare By Your Zodiac: Sagittarius Pamper Routine

Whether you strongly believe in horoscopes or not, the zodiac signs in the calendar may have some truth to how you are feeling at certain times in the year. Historically, astrology is science dictated by the placement of the stars, the sun and the cycle of the moon. Over time, astrology has lost a lot of its scientific credibility but it is still widely followed today. As your skin is greatly impacted by the environment, stress and of course your mood; it makes sense that your skin requires different healing methods to suit.

If you were born between November 22 - December 21, you can consider yourself a Sagittarius (happy birthday). Today’s pamper routine is all about you. Even if you’re not a Sagittarius, you can still benefit from the goodness this skincare routine has to offer.


Sagittarius to me represents adventure and independence. In my mind, I see Gal Gadot’s portrayal of Wonder Woman, in the movie. Generous, and willing to take risks for the greater good even if it means you’re going to alone. I think of a self-assured individual who is ready for any challenge and uses their kindness to share that excitement with others.

During this busy season full of holiday shopping, Christmas planning, decorating, waiting for your Amazon packages to arrive to wrap your gits, and figuring out how you’re going to incorporate all your cousins and In-Laws into your holiday - it can get hectic. You may find yourself impatient, and restless. Your risk-taking nature and restless behaviour may pull you into different directions. You’ll find comfort in any simplicity you can find. A minimalist, straightforward, but rejuvenating routine is perfect to calm your nerves.

*Try incorporating Argan Oil, Olive oil and Grapeseed Oil in your skin routine!


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Start out by cleansing your skin with a gentle all-in-one cleanser. You enjoy taking care of your skin but sometimes… let's be honest, nobody has time for a 10 step routine for just your face. Use something that will quickly dissolve makeup, SPF, oil, and impurities all in one. Try the Soy Makeup Removing Face Wash from fresh, $49 CAD. It works to rid the skin of impurities, cleanse and tone all in one. If you do need something a little bit more over the eyes for stubborn mascara then use micellar water to finish the job.

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Face Mask

Burr, it’s cold in here! You want something to help keep your blemishes at bay but not completely dry out your skin. Look for a mud mask that not only moisturizes the skin but also detoxifies. Mud masks are gentle enough to not soak up all of your natural oils like some clay masks tend to do. Try the Heartleaf Mud Cream Mask from Anua, $30 CAD.

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Overnight Mask

For extra hydration, try an overnight mask on top of your moisturizer. It’s like a facial while your sleep. Ultra Overnight Hydrating Mask from Kiehl’s Since 1851 , $46. It works overnight to brighten your skin, hydrate and even out your skin tone. The one thing about masks that often makes it more complicated than it needs to be is remembering to wash it off. Did the instructions say 5 minutes? or 30 minutes? The best thing about this mask is that you don’t even have to remember to wash it off. It works overnight. So apply and let it do all the work for you.

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