I Tried Care Of Personalized Vitamins for my Acne Prone Skin

Supplements seem to be the all the rage right now, with good reason. The biggest contributing factor to the skin and overall health is what you do internally because there is only so much you can do on the surface. I've tried taking internal supplements in the past but I wanted to take some of the guesswork out of the equation. For the past two months, I've been trying the personalized vitamins from Care Of and today I'm going to share with you guys my experience.

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I started these personalized vitamins in January of 2021. Take Care Of is a really interesting company that provides a lot of information on their website. Their vitamins are backed by science and they are very transparent on the years of study conducted on each supplement as well as what they are specifically designed to do.

You can choose between more mainstream vitamins and minerals like Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, and such or opt for Traditional Medicin like Elderberry, Garlic, Turmeric, Ginseng… the list goes on. You can also choose your specific dietary preferences like vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free as well as any allergies that you have. You can tailor your experience to your lifestyle for specific health concerns like Prenatal, Menstrual, or even fitness needs.

Your Care/Of journey begins with a 5-minute quiz. There you can make your selection by identifying basic information about you, your Goals, Values, Lifestyle. I decided to focus on 5 things:

  • Immunity

  • Stress

  • Energy

  • Digestion

  • Skin

Those are the goals that I currently have so I personalized my plan to suit this. At the end of the quiz, the system pairs you with a plan recommendation but you can always add in items that you want to try. Better yet, I suggest taking their recommendations to your doctor to get their sign-off or adjustments if there is anything they’d recommend you take.

For the pricing, I don’t believe there is a limit on how many vitamins you can take but each one costs between $5- $15 each. The Powders and supplements are between $7 - $28. I love that you can get the smaller versions of the powders so you can test them out before committing to the larger tub as well.

Care/of also has an application that you can check in with on-the-go to keep track of your order, and your plan.

My Plan

In addition to my Superberry Supplement and Vanilla Oat Collagen starter packs about $28 together. My plan is about $80-90 a month. The supplements that I tried in the past from Zitsticka were around $60/ month so I’d say it’s a fair price for the quantify, and personalization.

I went with 7 vitamins totaling around $55. The Vitamins are packaged in a tall recyclable, easy to reach box which makes them easy to store and use. At first, I was a little surprised at how much packaging everything comes in but it is entirely biodegrade-able. I accidentally duplicated the Vitamin D so I just kept them in a small container and removed it from my next batch and will use the duplicates next month (talk about customizable!).

  • Iron (energy)

  • Ceramides (skin)

  • Keratin (hair, skin, nails)

  • Magnesium (sleep)

  • Vitamin D (x2) (bones)

  • Zinc (digestion)

This is the Superberry dietary supplement. This can be taken along with water or added to a smoothie. I took it alone as a taste test. If you enjoy the taste of berries you’re going to like it. It’s not as strong as I thought and almost taste like flavored water which I enjoy.

This is the Vanilla Oat Creamer Collagen dietary supplement. It comes in 5 packs and retails for $16. Let me start off by saying there is a substantial amount of product in this, I was surprised. It has a very light flavour, which you can add to coffee, hot chocolate, protein shakes, or smoothies. This is designed to help improve the quality of the skin.

My Experience

The first few days, I felt a little nauseous. I have tried vitamins before to help my acne, and I know that Zinc makes me extremely nauseous. It wasn’t as bad this time around and only lasted for the first 3 days. After which I did not feel any discomfort from this. My skin initially broke out and I started to see a lot of congestion in my skin. I have started using retinol so it could be attributed to a new purging episode or it could have been the supplements. I am not certain. However, midway through my experience, my skin started to change. My skin became incredibly smooth and clear. I didn’t have any more congestion.

January 15, 2021

January 29, 2021

February 2, 2021

February 12, 2021

February 21, 2023

February 24, 2021 (with makeup to show the texture of the skin)

Other things I noticed in the past 60 days:

  • I had a lot more energy during the day. No sluggish feeling by the end of the day either.

  • My skin so significantly smoother, and I experience less breakouts during my menstrual cycle and ovulation!

  • I recently started working out again (again…) and my recovery time was a lot shorter. Less soreness even after weight lifting

  • My menstrual cramps (while they were still there) were not as intense. My cramps are usually very bad and I can barely get out of bed because I’m in so much pain, in my neck, stomach, and lower back. I lay in bed with 4 heat packs all around me. While I still experience cramping and pain it was not as severe as usual


I do enjoy this experience and the results I got from it. I know that vitamins aren’t the end-all and be-all of optimal health, they are supplements. They are not a replacement for a healthy lifestyle and well-balanced diet but they can help get the extra that your body can use to assist. I always recommend speaking with your doctor before trying any new lifestyle changes that involve supplements, diet, and so on but it’s nice to know that there are options available. I will continue to use these for the foreseeable future and update you.